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 Classic campaign question

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PostSubject: Classic campaign question   Classic campaign question I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2022 8:16 am

Hello all,

Started a classic campaign game with a Ssrathi hero, Choose to release the 5th horsemen and after the maze thing, i've completed the preparation task on the wastes, however only 4 beacons of mana got operated out of the six(two of them didn't count for a reason), after victory nothing happens and mission is replayable without any progress. Completed branched areas quests: Koveraak and The Deserted Lands which didn't open any new areas or gave any progress on the questline.

What am I doing wrong? bounce
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PostSubject: Re: Classic campaign question   Classic campaign question I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2022 5:03 pm

You can replay the maps until you find enough mana obelisks. Same goes with other objectives. This campaign is a bit different than the vanilla experience in many aspects, so getting used to it is a bit difficult.

It is also worth noting that the campaign is not fully released and it ends after reaching the prologue's end. A message will pop up saying this.

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PostSubject: Re: Classic campaign question   Classic campaign question I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2022 4:44 am

Thanks for the heads up.

So basically, What's the best way to run a campaign/story mode play on The Protectors?
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PostSubject: Re: Classic campaign question   Classic campaign question I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2022 6:41 am

I recommend the WBC1 custom chapter or CW Magee's Custom campaign.
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PostSubject: Re: Classic campaign question   Classic campaign question I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 27, 2022 12:11 pm

Patrick_the_Winekiller wrote:
I recommend the WBC1 custom chapter or CW Magee's Custom campaign.

Thank you for the suggestion.

I started C. Campaign - The Hero of Etheria, And after several missions, When I try to start the next mission it only gives the option "by yourself" and no army can be selected.

Also, trying to research will crash the game. It happened after beating the first ssrathi relic mission. :/

not sure what i'm doing wrong again
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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PostSubject: Re: Classic campaign question   Classic campaign question I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2022 1:04 am

We've fixed the crash - it happens only when you are trying to research something when you are all by yourself.

As to how to stop being all by yourself, you need to ally a faction, any faction, so that you can play with it. Until then, you cannot build anything in any mission and rely solely on you hero and retinue.
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PostSubject: Re: Classic campaign question   Classic campaign question I_icon_minitime

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