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 [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead

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[FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead Empty
PostSubject: [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead   [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 08, 2012 11:07 am

I finally got time to play this again. found a few bugs in the knight prologue.

1st of all there are 2 robert master squires in each of the maps (xcpt the troll ambush). one with 135 and 1 with 150 smthing hp

the game crashes whenever i select the inquisitor. i was able to finish the plague mission only by avoiding clicking near the inquisitors. Later i found the same with Dwarf lord. So probably all the generals are bugged.

the dragon appeared a lot later than it was supposed to. the peasant and the horse guy kept talking about keeping it distracted while there was no dragon on map. not knowing what to do against that beast. i lost my hero and the game.(i am now going to try nd beat the dragon by using tank cheat Smile )
then after the chat about the crown. i was supposed to go north west but no path opened. while moving between theria and bartonia a red line to north west from theria appears momentarily but goes away on moving the mouse. You probably meant it to be that way.

the sound is absent from the main menu. and also when the dragon appeared.
no soundtracks can be selected in the options menu.

i liked the implementation of the dialog choices in the plague game. the squire was actually helping in controlling the army and not just fighting.
and the rsb and profeciency have also been improved a lot.
xcpt that i think the recruiting profeciency is overpowered compared to others

eg at lvl 20 recruiting the hp of units will be more than lvl 50 health. 2xp per lvl is 2much
all others seem ok

Last edited by Harshit on Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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[FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead   [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2012 9:43 pm

Thank you for your lengthy report.

Harshit wrote:

the dragon appeared a lot later than it was supposed to. the peasant and the horse guy kept talking about keeping it distracted while there was no dragon on map. not knowing what to do against that beast. i lost my hero and the game.
You are supposed to call reinforcements via an eagle. Just train an eagle and it will auto leave the map to send the message for aid. There were supposed to be some popup helps there, but it seems they weren't included in the last version for some reason.
Harshit wrote:

then after the chat about the crown. i was supposed to go north west but no path opened. while moving between theria and bartonia a red line to north west from theria appears momentarily but goes away on moving the mouse. You probably meant it to be that way.
That is intentional, the chapter ends there. Giving the number of reports like these sent gave us ambition to create a more evident way of announcing the player that the chapter is finished, blocking all actions and paths doesn't seem to do the trick. We are working on this.

Harshit wrote:

the sound is absent from the main menu. and also when the dragon appeared.
no soundtracks can be selected in the options menu.
All music has been deleted from the last patch (0.6.2) to make the download less heavy in space usage. You can quickly bring the music back, along with the selection in the options menu, by copy-pasting the old music folder in the current one (or the one in my documents folder)
Harshit wrote:

xcpt that i think the recruiting profeciency is overpowered compared to others
moved to balance discussion
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[FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead Empty
PostSubject: Nightfall   [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2012 12:49 am

i got the music working. luckily still had the 0.5

there was no help text to tell about the eagle. i'll try that chapter again in 0.6.3 whenever that comes

i've been playing the next chapter.-

the vampire and blackguard don't give a crash. so its not all generals

the sethroth appeared twice in only 2 maps yet - the 2 clearing maps for the dark dwarves. the extra sethroth had female voice

against the fey where we are supposed to find the mines to build a base and the one in the swarm where sethroth says go north west(one enemy base comes 1st in the NW direction). In both games it was only near the end game did i find those mines intended to be the base. i had to steal bases from enemy in both. they were less obvious to me which cud be just me.

the units cant be controlled while the conversations are going on. which can get us in pinch. like the map for getting orb of seeing rt at the beginning the hero rushes in the loaded enemy base while the conversation is still going on. and when looking for that pyramid in the desert map, the chat begins while the whole enemy base is still around the pyramid, and my units are going rt into the towers. to save them i had to rush the conv and probably missed somthing imp.

Also in the Orb of seeing Map I didnt know what to do to win. i converted the building. and i tried destroying it. there was a blank pop up from time to time. without any text or pic. i finally cheated my way out to see the rest of the campaign.

that game where we take over the pyramid there was a pop up about buzz in the north west or south east. i didnt get what it was for...
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[FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead   [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2012 8:50 pm

Harshit wrote:

1st of all there are 2 robert master squires in each of the maps (xcpt the troll ambush). one with 135 and 1 with 150 smthing hp
Fixed in 0.7

Harshit wrote:

the sethroth appeared twice in only 2 maps yet - the 2 clearing maps for the dark dwarves. the extra sethroth had female voice
Fixed in 0.7

Harshit wrote:
and when looking for that pyramid in the desert map, the chat begins while the whole enemy base is still around the pyramid, and my units are going rt into the towers. to save them i had to rush the conv and probably missed somthing imp.
added a game pause in 0.7. some scene events are meant to be unpaused, but I guess they should be more pause-friendly, maybe player controlled? something worth considering

Harshit wrote:
Also in the Orb of seeing Map I didnt know what to do to win. i converted the building. and i tried destroying it. there was a blank pop up from time to time. without any text or pic.
Both fixed in 0.7

Harshit wrote:

that game where we take over the pyramid there was a pop up about buzz in the north west or south east. i didnt get what it was for...

The buzz sound tells you where new enemies (insects) spawn. Very useful in late game, when you have a big base all over the map (unless you crowded 5 keeps and 15 graveyards in one place, with no protection of the 10 gold mines)
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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[FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead   [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 24, 2013 11:51 pm

Harshit wrote:

the dragon appeared a lot later than it was supposed to. the peasant and the horse guy kept talking about keeping it distracted while there was no dragon on map. not knowing what to do against that beast. i lost my hero and the game.

Fixed in 0.7.1.

That fixes all bugs reported here. In the future, please post one bug per topic as it makes tracking much, much easier. Topic closed.
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[FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead   [FIXED] Prologue: Knight & Nightfall:Undead I_icon_minitime

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