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 Two questions about the game builds and gameplay

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Two questions about the game builds and gameplay Empty
PostSubject: Two questions about the game builds and gameplay   Two questions about the game builds and gameplay I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 10, 2024 6:29 am

Two questions about game builds and gameplay

1) Question one 3 Battlecry 100 years ago there was a license on a disk. Now I'm thinking of buying it on steam to download the mod from the workshop, or to constantly install it from here. But in any case
How do I transfer heroes (their items) saves to different versions? Let's say I delete the old version and install a new one, is it possible to somehow transfer at least the heroes with their level?
2) Question 2 how to get rid of the damned damned items I didn't understand???
P.S. I apologize in advance for my bad English, I'm almost not familiar with this language, the appeal was made through a translator
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Serilius Dark
Serilius Dark

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Two questions about the game builds and gameplay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two questions about the game builds and gameplay   Two questions about the game builds and gameplay I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 15, 2024 9:04 am

BerserkTan wrote:
Two questions about game builds and gameplay

1) Question one 3 Battlecry 100 years ago there was a license on a disk. Now I'm thinking of buying it on steam to download the mod from the workshop, or to constantly install it from here. But in any case
How do I transfer heroes (their items) saves to different versions? Let's say I delete the old version and install a new one, is it possible to somehow transfer at least the heroes with their level?
2) Question 2 how to get rid of the damned damned items I didn't understand???
P.S. I apologize in advance for my bad English, I'm almost not familiar with this language, the appeal was made through a translator

Well, answer to your second question is really simple.
1) You can find a shrine during battle, and there is a chance to get a mission from a priest, which will relieve you of all damned things. But chance is really slim.
2) Send your retune to closest locations through "send retune" option. Task them with search of priest or someone, who can relieve of curses and prepare 300 (or 500 - I don't remember clearly) to pay. If you don't have enough money, your curses will only worsen.
As for your first question, there are twon things I should mention.
1) The Protectors of Etheria (TPE for short) is not a mod, it is a stand alone add-on. It means, that Protectors work without WBC3 at all. But you have already known that. It is not about semantics, just to clear the air.
2) Files may not be compatible. If you want to try, so find in documents folder directory with your save files. Copy your saves and paste into folder "saves" for TPE. But as I stated earlier, I'm not sure that save transfer from WBC3 to TPE would even work.
Have a nice day!

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Two questions about the game builds and gameplay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two questions about the game builds and gameplay   Two questions about the game builds and gameplay I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2024 8:24 pm

[quote="Serilius Dark"]
BerserkTan wrote:
Two questions about game builds and gameplay

1) The Protectors of Etheria (TPE for short) is not a mod, it is a stand alone add-on. It means, that Protectors work without WBC3 at all. But you have already known that. It is not about semantics, just to clear the air.
2) Files may not be compatible. If you want to try, so find in documents folder directory with your save files. Copy your saves  and paste into folder "saves" for TPE. But as I stated earlier, I'm not sure that save transfer from WBC3 to TPE would even work.
Have a nice day!

Thanks for the answers and participation, I found the sanctuary myself, but I think the other options will be useful to me more than once.

2) But you misunderstood my second question or the translator distorted the meaning.
We have two different versions of The Protectors of Etheria (the versions are written by accident just as an example), how, for example, to transfer saves from version 0.9.1 to 0.9.4. Will it be more convenient if your version is installed by a mod from steam or indifferently from steam or the site??? I am interested in transferring saves not from part 3, but from two of your TPEs from the older one to the new one
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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Two questions about the game builds and gameplay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two questions about the game builds and gameplay   Two questions about the game builds and gameplay I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2024 6:18 am

Porting heroes from one version of TPE to another is done automatically, do not worry. You can actually also play two different versions of TPE with the same heroes at the same time too (the hero data is saved independently for each version).

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Two questions about the game builds and gameplay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two questions about the game builds and gameplay   Two questions about the game builds and gameplay I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2024 7:16 am

Patrick_the_Winekiller wrote:
Porting heroes from one version of TPE to another is done automatically, do not worry. You can actually also play two different versions of TPE with the same heroes at the same time too (the hero data is saved independently for each version).
Many thanks
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PostSubject: Re: Two questions about the game builds and gameplay   Two questions about the game builds and gameplay I_icon_minitime

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