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 My sugestions for WBC

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Join date : 2013-10-20

My sugestions for WBC Empty
PostSubject: My sugestions for WBC   My sugestions for WBC I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2024 10:28 am

Hello there, is nice to see there is life in this game!

1. please! is there a way to use the WBC 2 style UI in game? or make a custom UI,  some races have rly bad UI style (minotaurs), it would be nice even an WBC 3 UI, just wider.
2. i like play minotaurs, wth happened to this race? for every unit i make i must first research it after i build the construction? i liked more the simpler way, research only the special units like mino kings and not units like brutes...
3. Minotaurs Kings should have the voice from WBC 2, as is more agressive and it suits them much better then the WBC 3 one.
4. for Dark Elf race it would be rly nice to have an DarkGuard as hero model, same for Undead! or even better, a DoomKnight!

TY VM for keeping the game alive!
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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My sugestions for WBC Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sugestions for WBC   My sugestions for WBC I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 22, 2024 12:03 am

Thank you for the suggestions.

1. We've added an option to choose the UI starting from version 0.9.2 (soon to be released). We could certainly add more custom ones to the collection in the future, if desired.

2. Minotaur units are stronger than generic ones. As such, we had the choice to either increase their cost OR make them locked behind a research.

3. In Sartek's name!

4. I think we should avoid using unit sprites as hero avatars, if possible, to avoid confusion. There are some races that desperately need more avatars, such as The Swarm and the Ssrathi, while the undead and the dark elves are in a better spot.

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