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 Question about some stats and saving games

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Join date : 2024-03-23

Question about some stats and saving games Empty
PostSubject: Question about some stats and saving games   Question about some stats and saving games I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2024 7:40 pm

Hello to the community, I am quite new to the mod. I have been playng vanilla WBC3 for a while though but when I found out about the mod I decided to give it a try and I got a few guestions I didn't find an answer online or in the compendium parts I have read.

First things first - what do the stats like good/evil ; patritian/proletariat etc. do to the hero/faction? Arw the stats just a flavour or are there some deeper mechanic behind them that do work as intended in 0.9.1a patch? I really would like to know about that stats so big thank you in advance Smile

Second question I have is - why can't I save the game in progress - when I start a new simple random skirmish and open a menu it won't let me click the option to save/load game - heroes after the battle do get saved when I open the game the next day but I cannot save the game in the middle of a fight.

If there is a short-key that works that would mean a great deal because this is the main obsticle I have playing this game - so far I am still exploring all the changes from the basic economy I was used to and the population cap/taxation and so I tend to play for long game to see what each faction brings to the table. In that case it would mean a great deal to know I can save my progress and do other work and not worry I need to rush the battle just so my xp progress doesn't get lost 😅
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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Question about some stats and saving games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about some stats and saving games   Question about some stats and saving games I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2024 5:09 am

Hello and welcome,

1. Psych perks are only flavour now. In some campaigns they affect the RPG side of things (such as having specific dialogue choices).

2. You can't save the game if playing with handicap or a temporary hero. Disabling these two options will allow you to save the game mid-battle.

3. You can use ALT+S to save the game, and ALT+L to load the saved game.
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Question about some stats and saving games
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