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 Shutdown during lan game

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Shutdown during lan game Empty
PostSubject: Shutdown during lan game   Shutdown during lan game I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2021 10:07 pm


When playing multiplayer via lan the game keeps crashing, suddenly the game just closes down. We are both playing the v0.8.9b patch installed in exactly the same way. We are playing using a program called Hamachi.

Anyone who knows how to fix this problem?

Kind regards,

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Joe the Bartender
Keeper of Balance
Keeper of Balance
Joe the Bartender

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Join date : 2014-08-20
Location : The Candlekeep Inn

Shutdown during lan game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shutdown during lan game   Shutdown during lan game I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2022 8:32 am

I'd recommend ditching Hamachi. Instead, give TCP/IP a go via port forwarding. For information on port forwarding, check number 7 on this post.
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Shutdown during lan game
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