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 [FIXED] Incorrect counter in "Slug Fest" Victory Condition

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[FIXED] Incorrect counter in "Slug Fest" Victory Condition Empty
PostSubject: [FIXED] Incorrect counter in "Slug Fest" Victory Condition   [FIXED] Incorrect counter in "Slug Fest" Victory Condition I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 7:37 am

I noticed that in C.Campaign, "The Hero of Etheria", "First Finger" (of Sartek).
You can see it in the screeshot. This is an early phase of the game.
My side just killed two neutral spider queens (to the left of bushes), but we got 198 points of killed units.
By the end of this short game, we had a score of about ~12,000 killings, but this is very far from the truth.
[FIXED] Incorrect counter in "Slug Fest" Victory Condition XhD4JCfpXqY
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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[FIXED] Incorrect counter in "Slug Fest" Victory Condition Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Incorrect counter in "Slug Fest" Victory Condition   [FIXED] Incorrect counter in "Slug Fest" Victory Condition I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 22, 2019 7:16 pm

The timer starting off with only 15 minutes has been fixed in 0.8.9b.

As for the score, in TPC Slugfest now counts the overall strength of the unit killed. So if you kill 10 peasants you will have a much lower score than if you kill 10 minotaur kings, for example. This is not a bug, but a feature.

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[FIXED] Incorrect counter in "Slug Fest" Victory Condition
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