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 The big thread of WBC3 screenshots!

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Devourer of bugs
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The big thread of WBC3 screenshots! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The big thread of WBC3 screenshots!   The big thread of WBC3 screenshots! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2020 7:19 am

Holy Sirian, 3 Barons and 1 Count did that? Man the AI has become crazy difficult. Also, nobody posted here since 2015.
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The big thread of WBC3 screenshots! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The big thread of WBC3 screenshots!   The big thread of WBC3 screenshots! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2020 8:33 am

Yep, AI but also the heroes are much tougher than I used to experience.

The Barbarian Bard (BB) could not be hunted till the final stage of the battle.
20+ well experienced Wood Riders (cavalry) could not catch him, until he got to his destroyed base and turned around, just to face rain of arrows...
But common, Bard with only few skill points in fighter skills, one of which is mere running, could basically face whole armies and survive again and again. He personally assaulted my base many times, I tried to pursue him with Phoenixes and Wood Riders... after he lost HP from towers or HomeGuard ... my hero would die in 3 seconds if not in 2 Very Happy

BTW, beating the campaign encounter (two barbarian brothers) is nearly impossible, the only way I can do it is getting one point in StoneCall and after I run away from them, I will just keep the game running for hours and summoning Earth Elementals.

- quite surprising the Geomancy has a bit more expensive spells (Summon Guardian under Alchemy is cheaper, than under Geomancy, I think) also Summon Fire / Water elemental does cost 20 ~ 24, but summon Earth Elemental does cost 40mp.

Most vicious are the coordinated attacks of AI, even at levels of Baron / Count, where they can estimate the weakest point of your base + weak moment as well, then when the attack commences, they know when to let their heroes retreat.

I am not eager to play against AI that are not allied, I want them join forces against me for the purpose of thrill, but only very few Protectors combos allows me to survive longer than 5 minutes and even fewer to win.

My buildings regen, is it a Wood Elven feature or Runemaster feature? (not all races have this, I recon)
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