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 Game crashes

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2017-12-19

Game crashes Empty
PostSubject: Game crashes   Game crashes I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 19, 2017 8:20 pm

Dear other users,

As many people on a Windows 10 64 bits machine, I got several bugs to make this game run. For long, the game would simply not start on click and I had to make pretty much all operations on the stickied post to make it run.

I finally made it run but shortly after most new skirmishes, I would get a crash and on the logfile in the "My Documents" folder I would read messages such as:
[xcGraphicsSystem::xcgsLoadBitmap] Error on loading <140>
[xcGraphicsSystem::xcgsLoadBitmap] Error on loading <138>

I found a relevant topic on this forum: (add http:// in front of it as I'm not allowed to add links as a new user)

Indeed, I downloaded the ModDB build and there are those cryptic .cab archive files I don't know what to do about lol! scratch so I just clicked on the installer and the installation was apparently successful but according to the cited topic, this build may be the cause of the problem.

So, I tried to download the game  from thepiratebay torrent: (add https:// in front of it as I'm not allowed to add links as a new user)

But either using Bittorrent or Bitlord the download simply won't start. It stays at 0.0 kb. On bittorrent it stays blocked at "connection to peers". So what to do to get this build as the torrent seems broken?

All the best!
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Posts : 2
Join date : 2017-12-19

Game crashes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Game crashes   Game crashes I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 19, 2017 10:44 pm

Ok I reply to my own post. My glitches were solved by configuring fullscreen. To do this you need to go to options and in the resolution submenu and put windows mode to off. Also put the resolution for the game to 800*600 otherwise you don't see all the game in fullscreen mode. This worked to me cheers
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