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 Disappeared units return

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Disappeared units return Empty
PostSubject: Disappeared units return   Disappeared units return I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2013 8:57 am

I started similar topic already and i decided problem solved after reinstalling patch 0.6.2. But i couldn't find some guys as before: ogre of orcs' race and reaper of daemons. They are in editor but are absent in building lists.

I maid clear reinstall battlecry and mod with its patches but result is the same.
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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Disappeared units return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappeared units return   Disappeared units return I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 07, 2013 5:12 am


Firstly, TPC mod is independent of WBC. You need not mess with your original game whenever installing or reinstalling TPC. Saves a lot of time.

Secondly, this is not a bug report. Several units from the original game have been removed from direct production on purpose. We intend on balancing the races with fewer units and as the versions increase, add the other units (ogres, reapers and more) to the mix. Some however, will only be available through quests, temples, campaign, retinue etc.

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Disappeared units return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappeared units return   Disappeared units return I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 07, 2013 8:23 pm

Quote :
Firstly, TPC mod is independent of WBC. You need not mess with your original game whenever installing or reinstalling TPC. Saves a lot of time.
Wow, it's more like total conversion it that case. Thanks for info.

Quote :
Secondly, this is not a bug report. Several units from the original game have been removed from direct production on purpose. We intend on balancing the races with fewer units and as the versions increase, add the other units (ogres, reapers and more) to the mix. Some however, will only be available through quests, temples, campaign, retinue etc.
I thought about it but can't find this information.
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Disappeared units return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappeared units return   Disappeared units return I_icon_minitime

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