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 [FIXED] A's became M's

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3 posters

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Join date : 2015-08-31
Age : 33

[FIXED] A's became M's Empty
PostSubject: [FIXED] A's became M's   [FIXED] A's became M's I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2015 10:12 pm

idk why but i noticed a weird and non threatening bug when i made a dark elf hero. i dont remember the class rly. but it turned most of the lower case "A's" into lower case "M's" throughout text in the game. i remember some things like the intro menu was fine. but alot of the skills were things like "nerommncy and pyrommncy lol. so on so forth. after deleting the character. and not playing with him anymore. the bug dissapeared. also i only saw it with that character. weird.

sorry my description is so happened like 2 weeks ago and i only jsut checked email seeing i was in the forum now lol.
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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[FIXED] A's became M's Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] A's became M's   [FIXED] A's became M's I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2015 12:51 am

Thanks for the report, I know that bug. Usually, a restart of the game fixes it.
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Joe the Bartender
Keeper of Balance
Keeper of Balance
Joe the Bartender

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[FIXED] A's became M's Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] A's became M's   [FIXED] A's became M's I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2019 4:14 am

I haven't seen this bug since 0.8.7. Probably fixed in 0.8.8. Close topic whenever.
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[FIXED] A's became M's Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] A's became M's   [FIXED] A's became M's I_icon_minitime

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[FIXED] A's became M's
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