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 [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs

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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2015 1:46 am

Hello, i just downloaded v8.0.3 of the game, and launched singleplayer. I love to watch how two emperors playing against each other so when the game starts i went to my friendly emperor and i was watching the fight. A.I was pretty good though, but my friendly emperor can't make 2 level of castle so he was massing only pikemans all game. The oponnent was playing correctly, with all technology and i tested for example twice that Empire race A.I can't make 2 level of base, but Ssrathi and Undead's have no problem with this (played on Singleplayer).
Sorry if that was but i did't noticed that.

Other i saw is propably known bug so i won't create new topic for it, it is a graphic bug, some kind of problem with contrast or sth on right-down interface, where are formations etc., too white/bright mostly.
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2015 3:22 am

The AI has been significantly improved in version 0.8.4 so you can consider that bug fixed. As for the graphical glitches, could you please provide a screenshot underlining the area in question?
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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2015 7:34 am

Patrick_the_Winekiller wrote:
As for the graphical glitches, could you please provide a screenshot underlining the area in question?

I tried now but it seems that only that one race interface is like i said, i don't know who i was played but bottom interface had at the top two swords or blades, if you'll tell me which race had that interface i will check again if that appears again.

In this time i tried to this i noticed that plaguelord A.I making eye's of Ouros for nothing and sending them to attack but they did't attack so they just standing next to target.
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2015 8:21 am

Mayhap the Dark Elf control panel?
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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2015 1:33 am

It is not topic for this but i must ask: did u fix enemy A.I while playing for example 3v3 or FFA 1v1v1v1 that all 3 enemies every time going to players base, not allies. Everytime enemies are looking for MY buildings (even when i'm more far then my allies), when all are destroyed then in FFA they are standing and doing nothing, they should fight with each other i think to be more justice in a game.
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Joe the Bartender
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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2015 3:14 am

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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2015 6:03 am

Ok, that's nice, sorry i didn't check for this topic, my bad ;v
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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2015 9:33 pm

Elokfent wrote:
Patrick_the_Winekiller wrote:
As for the graphical glitches, could you please provide a screenshot underlining the area in question?

I tried now but it seems that only that one race interface is like i said, i don't know who i was played but bottom interface had at the top two swords or blades, if you'll tell me which race had that interface i will check again if that appears again.
Then maybe barbarians (their control panel has spears on top)?
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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2015 9:38 am

I don't think so, but it can be that it was Dark Elves interface but the bug didn't appear.  Nevermind when i meet this problem again i'll ss imiedietly. Also talking aboult graphical bugs:

[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Trx3WXv

Played on 1650x1080 res.
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitimeSat May 28, 2016 12:19 am

All fixed in 0.8.7. Topic closed.
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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs   [FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs I_icon_minitime

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[FIXED] Some A.I races can't level up castles + graphical bugs
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