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 Absurdely difficult campaign?

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Joe the Bartender
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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 7:03 am

I tried playing through the campaign and the sheer amount of high end units in the start alone and in all the paths you can take out of the wastes really annoys me... Me and my hero buddies get slaughtered in seconds and I can never set up a base. I was playing the hidden path campaign battle, and getting to the mountaintop was a bit tricky but manageable nonetheless thanks to my cauterize, but once I found a few mines and built my keep, a horde of like 8 demons and 11 imps appears out of nowhere and destroys the buildings in seconds, then proceeding to crush the heroes. This is just one of the examples of just how absurd the amount of units there are in the missions. I'm using a lvl 22 pyromancer ssrathi and I just get instantly murdered. I've turned it down to easy, but it's not like that has any impact on actual difficulty, as I still get slaughtered by hordes of demons. After days of abusing save/load mechanics (Something I hate doing) I'm making no progress and haven't even gotten out of the wastes. Is this a bug or was the campaign really designed to be this relentless?
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Joe the Bartender
Keeper of Balance
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Joe the Bartender

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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 7:30 am

I've had the same problems. I was playing as a level 14 Minotaur Chieftain and I won on the second try with just 2 Thralls and a Tower left standing in green's base. The AI heroes seem keen to waste themselves on the uber Daemon towers too. I feel a bit sorry for anyone starting the campaign with a level 1 hero.

Another thing to add is that if someone tells the AI hero to follow them at the start, the AI hero can actually obstruct base construction if the keep building is too large. As a Minotaur, I learnt that the hard way  Sad.
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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Hmm...yeaah   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 8:46 am

Yep... The campaign is outright unplayable, and I'm contemplating returning to vanilla because I really liked the old campaign and how it didn't butcher you mercilessly. Great mod... Unplayable campaign
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Joe the Bartender
Keeper of Balance
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Joe the Bartender

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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 10:51 am

I'm sure it'll be fixed at some point. Just need to prod Patrick Smile.
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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2014 4:54 am

I also wish he'd bring my wraiths and doomknights back. Undead is my fav race and I'm crying here without my DK's Sad

Also... Why not add a way for you to play both campaigns, the vanilla and the protectors one, that would be cool.
BUT alas, I can't thank the devs enough for getting ze boats back in the game, damn I had fun with them back in WBC2. Sometimes I'd have more fun with naval battles than land battles, silly me.
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Joe the Bartender
Keeper of Balance
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Joe the Bartender

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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2014 11:13 am

Yeah I can dig that. Guardian Skulls are really bad in both cost and effect and Liches are accessed far later in the game so the Undead currently have serious problems defending against anything that flies. It's a shame Wraiths/Doom Knights haven't been activated yet, I have to rely on my hero just to counter airborn threats (which includes dragons  Shocked). Being able to play multiple campaigns would be awesome Very Happy (including the conquest campain). Got no idea how much work it would be to include though.
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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2014 1:13 pm

Ikr, I've once lost a game in which my enemy rushed alot of phoenixes and other flying units quite early in the game, and since I didn't have a reliable counter, my towers and consequently my base just got burned to the ground. Guess we just have to be patient with features and the lack thereof, and discuss their implementation to raise awareness.
 I reckon re-adding the campaign won't be too hard, since the files are still probably in the game itself? They might have deleted them though... oh well. In other topics, I have to admit I'm loving the chapters. The characters and dialogues are a very nice touch, I'm hooked afro
 I wonder if it would be possible to remake and enhance models and textures too, but I reckon that would take the project and the effort involved much further... Damn I wish there was a way I could help. If only I had the time.
Well, This is still in beta, so lets just keep waiting for the goodies!. In the meantime, GO DEV TEAM! alien
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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 9:20 pm

Yeah, had a similar issue. Decided to give this Mod a try, it looked realy neat! But my first campaign went like this:

1) Crashed boat and pick a companion.
2) Go to the Inn and get ambushed.
3) Immediately die.
4) Choose to wait on slave boat (something said I needed to go to Keshan).
5) Beta over! (Less than 10 minutes).

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Devourer of bugs
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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2017 1:56 am

Telemont wrote:
Yeah, had a similar issue. Decided to give this Mod a try, it looked realy neat! But my first campaign went like this:

1) Crashed boat and pick a companion.
2) Go to the Inn and get ambushed.
3) Immediately die.
4) Choose to wait on slave boat (something said I needed to go to Keshan).
5) Beta over! (Less than 10 minutes).

Fun times! lol! Going to Keshan as a slave is only one option. You can experiment other paths as well.
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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 24, 2017 10:14 am

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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 01, 2018 10:35 pm

It's often I end up with a guy ask for blue gem then it ends.
Choose paladin for easy mode.
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Devourer of bugs
Devourer of bugs

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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 02, 2018 4:46 am

The guy asking for blue gem event happens after 4 days, but if you complete other paths quicker, then you get the other "endings".
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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2023 3:56 am

Hi all, I finished demo campaing in waste with 1lvl hero, messager above just don't use all option that them have

Its true that trying to fortifi in waste = suicide, but you still can wait and than amount of enemis will be passeble, after some time there will be more allie's and than more option to finish demo )

And I know that speaking with ghost from 2014 is a bit strange, but there still has chance that somebody like me will read this post )
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Absurdely difficult campaign? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absurdely difficult campaign?   Absurdely difficult campaign? I_icon_minitime

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